Contact Portland Raised Beds

We love to engage with our customers and find it rewarding to spread the word about the wonderful benefits of using Juniper in yards and gardens. As a small, family run business with limited time and resources - and big ideas - we do our best to keep a favorable work-life balance. We do not rely on call centers or remote customer service representatives, and virtually all the materials available on our site are made or sourced from an independent Oregon business, much like our own. We are both eager to serve you and careful to treat our time as a valuable resource.

You may notice that we intentionally limit our availability. We do so in order to maintain a focus on creating value for our customers and controlling the time and effort we invest in this business. We appreciate your understanding and support. Our goal is to respond to every email within 1-2 days. Most of the information you need to buy or choose a product is on our website. We encourage you to seek it out and enjoy the experience of discovery as you learn.